Understanding Knee-to-Knee Dental Exams

What is “knee to knee position” dental exam?

We do a “knee to knee assessment” on our young patients under the age of five who may feel uneasy at the dental office or who have trouble sitting still for more than a few minutes at a time. Because of the wonderful perspective and vision inside their child’s mouth, it’s also a fantastic chance for parents to learn how to care for their child’s teeth.

Another pleasant method of preventing tooth decay is a knee-to-knee dental checkup. This may also be a part of your child’s first dental examination as a method to make them feel at ease and ensure a nice experience overall.

Parents who have another adult or older kid living with them may also use this posture to brush the toddler’s baby teeth. It is ideal to instil good dental hygiene practises in children at a young age, and family involvement is quite beneficial.

How is a knee-to-knee dental examination conducted?

The caregiver and medical professional sit in a knee-to-knee position during this dental checkup, which is how it got its name. When the parent is ready, we ask them to gently lay the kid back with their head on the dental professional’s lap after giving them a cuddle.

This consultation is designed to be more pleasant and individualised than the typical reclining dentist chair session. Then, while the parent supports the child’s hands, the caregiver will support the child’s head. It’s crucial that the caregiver holds the child’s hands to prevent them from grabbing potentially harmful objects. The caregiver is likewise encircled by the child’s legs.

The youngster just sits up and receives hugs when we’re through. How wonderful is this prize for a job well done? For our more energetic patients, this examination just takes a few minutes, which is another advantage of this specific posture. It’s a quick and easy method to cross off getting your child’s teeth checked.

Pediatric dentists at Children Dental Center Indianapolis IN are uniquely educated to meet the requirements of kids, and a significant part of that is having a pleasant and loving disposition. Beginning with the initial visit, this may go on until the kid is 18 years old.

What should I anticipate from a knee-to-knee dental exam?

The average length of a knee-to-knee examination is 15 minutes. For the purpose of ensuring that your child’s infant teeth are growing normally and looking for indications of dental decay, you may anticipate the doctor to do a visual examination of the mouth, teeth, and gums. You’ll get into the dentist chair with your little patient when they have their first paediatric dental examination.

This is how we do a knee-to-knee examination:

  • While the dentist brings up a chair, you (the parent) will sit in the dental chair with your kid on your lap facing you.
  • The dentist and parent will be seated knee to knee, and you will lean the kid onto their lap while they complete the knee-to-knee exam as the dentist examines their mouth.
  • Following a dental cleaning, your child’s paediatric dentist will inquire about your child’s at-home oral hygiene practises. Additionally, we’ll provide any advice or recommendations and respond to any inquiries you may have.

How to get ready for your child’s first dental checkup and knee-to-knee examination

Don’t transfer your own worries or concerns onto others as you are getting ready for your visit. Pediatric dentists at Childrens Dentist Indianapolis IN  are uniquely educated to provide gentle, loving care for children and adolescents. They take every precaution to make sure that your child’s first dental appointment is stress-free since they are aware of the special difficulties and complications associated with treating youngsters.

A excellent way to get your child ready for a positive first visit is to teach them how to properly brush their teeth and gums. To get started, you don’t even need a toothbrush. The mouth and gums may be cleaned with a damp, clean washcloth, particularly after meals and just before bed. Use a baby toothbrush or a disposable finger toothbrush to gently brush the teeth as they emerge without toothpaste. Your child’s first dental exam will be less of a shock to them if you do this regularly with them.

If your kid now sits and swings on your lap as you play, doing so during the appointment will also seem more natural since the positions are comparable. Start gently massaging their teeth and gums with a warm, damp towel as another way to help them get comfortable to the session. By doing so, they get used to having something soothing in their lips and the test will appear less strange to them.

Is your kid ready to try something new? Try to wait until the kid has completely recovered from an illness (such as the flu, a common cold, an earache, a sore throat, a cold sore, etc.) before scheduling the child’s first session. Additionally, it is recommended to let children who have recently had a traumatic or challenging event—such as a vaccine, hospitalisation, a serious fall or accident, or simply having witnessed a distressing incident—up to six to eight weeks to recuperate from it.

Not everything has to occur right now! We are aware that everyone is busy and that scheduling the child’s first dental appointment is simply one of the many tasks you have to do. However, despite all the preparation indicated, children’s conduct may sometimes be unexpected, so it might not be the ideal moment for your kid to finish the visit. In reality, we provide “pleasant visits” where the only objective is to acquaint the kid with our facility and staff. Children may take a tour of the office, high-five the doctor, and get a gift. Sometimes this kind of visit results in a dental exam, and other times the youngster may need numerous of them to develop the confidence necessary to comply and have a positive experience. This may not be the most practical solution for many parents, but it can undoubtedly reassure a youngster who is less confident about seeing the Kids Dentist Indianapolis IN.

Do you have a youngster that is worried and active?

If this is the case, give us a call and inquire about a knee-to-knee examination to ensure their tooth health is in order!

When is it OK to begin taking a youngster to the Pediatric Dentist Indianapolis IN?

In general, we advise scheduling a visit as soon as you observe the first tooth poking through the gums. The first appointment will mostly consist of an examination, but it will also provide your kid the chance to meet the dentist and for the dentist to keep an eye on their dental health moving forward.

Having a dental home now ensures that everything is growing normally when additional teeth start to erupt. As a result, because teeth may occasionally erupt before a kid is considered a toddler, we also treat babies. For patients of this age, comfort is paramount, therefore being able to sit on the caregiver’s lap helps to establish that.

Questions about this or other pediatric dental services? Call Pediatric Dentistry Indianapolis IN.